Course Overview | Course Details | Success Stories |
CHILDREN Course Overview
How to raise a happy, healthy child is not something most parents are taught. In fact, many just stumble through the entire process, albeit with the best intentions. Consequently, it is all too common to find an unhappy state of affairs in families, with constant friction between parents and children.
It is not a natural state of affairs. In fact, it can be avoided entirely. L. Ron Hubbard developed many methods to bring out the best in a child—and its parents. In this course, you will read about some of these methods and discover how to raise a child without breaking his spirit, how to have a child who is willing to contribute to the family and how to help a child quickly get over the daily upsets and tribulations of life.
Raising children should be a joy. And can be. In fact, it can be one of the most rewarding of all human experiences. The application of Scientology principles to the bringing up of children can ensure that they are happy, loving and productive, and that they become valued members of the societies in which they live.
Course Details
Ease of Study
This course is laid out in a step-by-step manner, with a sequence of reading assignments and questions to check your understanding.
Before you begin, you create your own personal logon on the Scientology website. Once logged in, the online program will guide you through each step of the course to full completion, with all course materials provided from within the Scientology website.
Length of Course
6 to 7 hours. You may, however, do the course at your own pace. In other words, it is not timed. The course is our service to you, free of charge.
Booklet: Children
or The Scientology Handbook
Your course materials are also integrated within the online course. In other words, once logged on, you may read the materials from within the online course program as you do each step. We do, however, recommend that you download for free or purchase the booklet, to review and refer to when you are not logged into the course program.
Through the length of your course, you will receive supervision from your personal online course supervisor, who will help to ensure you understand and achieve the maximum benefit from the course materials. The end result is that you are fully able to apply the data contained therein. If you have any further questions, contact us here.
Course Completion
Upon completion of The Children Course, you will
receive a certificate
The services of our online courses are always available to you. If at any time you need assistance with your course assignments, do not hesitate to contact your online course supervisor, whom you can reach using the 'Need help?' button in your online course program.
Success Stories
“I have taken many child development classes in college, and what have I learned from them? Nothing! And I have to say, I didn't agree with a lot of the things they taught. I hated how in college classes they looked at a child as if they were a different species. But the booklet Children says that children are smaller adults.
“This book has very helpful methods that actually work. It's a major win for me, because I work with children every day and the information in this booklet is the only book I have read about children that I actually agree with!
“I would recommend this to anyone, not just people who have children or work with children, but everyone. Just like all the L. Ron Hubbard books, they are easy to read and understand, organized, and the information is priceless.”
“The Children Course has offered me the singular opportunity to learn about proper child training, raising a happy and healthy child, and also the countless inner abilities that children are endowed with.
“During this course, I have learned to cherish, appreciate and acknowledge the contributions of my little brother no matter how little they may be to the family. As a result, my little brother now lives in a different world, a world where he tidies up his room by himself, puts things in their right place without anyone prompting him and to my surprise offers to help me out in the kitchen.
“Moreover, I have stopped interrupting his decisions and putting strict restraints on him as to the kind of friends he should make, where he should and should not go, etc. Since then, he has grown to be the lovely kid that I had dreamed of. He does not revolt anymore because I only come in to polish some of his decisions and don’t impose mine on him. Thankfully, his desire to be a computer scientist is also on course.”
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